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Students Taught to be Crime-Fighting Citizens

Crime Stoppers Queensland have rolled out a free teaching resource, empowering teenagers to become tomorrow’s crime-preventing citizens.

06.12.2021 News

Queensland teenagers are being taught how to be responsible citizens, thanks to Crime Stoppers Queensland’s new free teaching resource.

Aligned to the Australian Curriculum, Humanities and Social Sciences, ‘Civics and Citizenship Education Hub’ has been created for students in Years 7-10.

The teaching resource is focused on six themes – Active Citizenship, Cybercrime and the Law, Democratic Values, Law Enforcement, Laws and Crime and Why Crime Stoppers Works – that help the next generation become responsible citizens and take action to prevent crime.

Crime Stoppers CEO Carmen Jenkinson said the Civics & Citizenship teaching tool provided a resource to help students learn how to be contributing members of our community.

“Crime Stoppers Queensland place great importance on educating the next generation on their role and responsibility as citizens and growing their knowledge of the important work our organisation undertakes,” she said.

“Many young people are unaware of the important role Crime Stoppers Queensland plays in helping prevent and solve crimes, working with police to make our communities safer.

“Crime Stoppers Queensland wants to support educators to help develop a sense of community engagement in students by increasing their potential to be informed, responsible, ethical and active participants in society.”

Civics & Citizenship is a high-quality teaching resource that aligns to the Queensland curriculum and is now available for free download for all schools via the Crime Stoppers Queensland website and education portal, Scootle.

The key benefits include:

Created by education experts to fulfil the needs of teachers to have high quality, Australian curriculum-aligned materials.

Themes, lesson ideas and resources support Civics and Citizenship content descriptions and key concepts as described in the Australian and Queensland Curriculum: Humanities and Social Sciences; namely; Democratic Values, The Westminster System, Justice, Participation, and Rights and Responsibilities.

Lesson ideas within each theme can be taught in any order to best suit the interest and needs of students.

The lessons and marking guide have been reviewed and approved by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA).