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About Crime Stoppers

Crime Stoppers Queensland is a registered charity and volunteer community organisation. Our purpose is to empower the community to provide information that supports the solving and prevention of crime. We have a vision of safer community, a safer Australia.

Crime Stoppers is Australia’s most trusted information receiving service for people wanting to share what they know about unsolved crimes and suspicious activity without saying who they are.

We were first established in 1989 and are a member of the Crime Stoppers Australia national collective of eight Crime Stopper organisations operating in every state and territory in Australia.

We work closely with police, media and the community to help solve, reduce and prevent crime by collecting information and passing on those details to police and other law enforcement agencies to help keep communities and families safe.

Our efforts encourage people to share what they know, especially for cross-border crimes such as illicit drug manufacture, importation and distribution, wanted fugitives and illegal firearms.

Read more about Crime Stoppers Queensland’s history here.

View our listing on the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission website.

View our 2022-23 Annual Report.

Board of Directors

Crime Stoppers Queensland’s Board of Directors drive the organisation’s strategic direction and manage performance of our State Office. All volunteers, our Board have a vast array of skills, training and experience that they draw from to oversee our direction.

In addition to the elected roles of Chair, Deputy Chair and Treasurer, the Board nominated a Volunteer Liaison portfolio to ensure a close connection between the Board and our network of over 300 volunteers in 27 committees across Queensland.

Greg Beale OAM JP (Qual)

Greg Beale OAM JP (Qual), Chair

Greg is an insurance professional with over 50 years of experience in safeguarding clients’ properties and liabilities. Additionally, he has been an active member of Crime Stoppers for more than 30 years, contributing to a safer Queensland and Australia.

Ian Stewart Director

Ian Stewart AO APM, Treasurer

Decorated former Queensland Police Commissioner, Ian Stewart is a highly experienced Director, executive and consultant. Qualified in both business and public policy, Ian’s background is in leadership and governance, with a mantra of engagement, fostering trust and mutual respect.

AC Brian Connors APM, Director

Assistant Commissioner Brian Connors APM leads the Queensland Police Service’s Crime and Intelligence Command, overseeing strategies to combat statewide criminal and organised crime networks. With 37 years in policing and experience across multiple regions, AC Connors serves as the Police Commissioner’s representative on the Board of Directors.

Andrew Jones

Andrew Jones, Director

Andrew retired from the Army to become a career volunteer with Crime Stoppers and Volunteers in Policing.

Tim Ryan BM OAM

Tim Ryan BM OAM, Director

Tim has been a dedicated Director of various not-for-profit organisations including Crime Stoppers, the Daniel Morcombe Foundation, and the Maroochydore SLSC. He is currently the President of Surf Lifesaving Sunshine Coast and serves on the Queensland State Council.